A rant/thoughts/journal/whatever

A rant/thoughts/journal/whatever

No comic here sorry.

So I’m just writing this to get it off my chest because it’s been keeping me up the past few days, and Discord will give me the “2000 character limit” so here we are?

I lose sleep over raiding. A lot. Since Friday (now it’s technically Monday) I’ve been waking up every 3 hours or so or just not been sleeping. I know raiding is a game and lotro is a game and it’s dumb to let things like that affect real life, but it just seems I can’t fall asleep lately. I’ve been trying and actually thinking of hitting up the drowsy meds so I can fall asleep easier.

But enough about me. (Well, I guess this post is about me, technically.) It feels like a long weekend, and we finally completed that pesky T3, but I don’t know…it feels more like a “yay?”…

Can we pleeaaase stop dying to T1 mechanics? I’m not perfect myself, and I’m guilty of that sometimes. It even happens to the best. But just…don’t do it every single time? When certain people get the purple eye I’m honestly just going “oh no, so and so has the eye again, pleasedontdiedontdiedontdie…” And then boom, person dead. I swear that happened like 10 times today, all on the same 3 people. What else can we do to stop people dying to the same mechanic? Tell us, please.

Speaking of which, please stop trying to micromanage other people especially if they’re doing their job fine and it doesn’t concern you. If you want to say how so and so should put up disables and then one enrage and then change to disables when she flops, sure, make your own raid and tell people for all I care. Not in my raid. Especially if it was already being done prior to comment. You guys are adults here and I don’t take people on roles I don’t trust for T3. Is that telling/teaching really necessary?

I know I rant a lot about things that happen in the raid but things that happen outside the raid are just as annoying. Thanks, special snowflake, for cancelling last minute or doing even better and not showing up without even saying you won’t be there.

I don’t even know how to explain how…unbelievable it is when someone thinks they’re ready for T2 or T3 or whatever and then just expect to be entitled to a spot. Hey, raiders. You need us to lead and organise raids for you all, but here’s the hard truth: we don’t need you. An average raider is an average raider, just another number to fill 12. So if you aren’t standing out in any way, I’m happy to ditch people that can’t be bothered to improve themselves.

I also don’t know how to explain how annoyed I feel when people who are actually good at raiding come and say sorry or ask me if it’s their fault we wiped. Wiping consistently is hardly any single person’s fault. More like a collective problem. I’m sorry but I’m ill-equipped to deal with people struck out on finding their own self worth all while trying to make this raid work. If we wiped and you think it’s your fault and come to tell me sorry, chances are it’s hardly your fault at all.

This isn’t just about this week’s raids. It’s been happening for some time, and I don’t know, maybe I’m just a weak leader. And Mommy has it worse than I do, which is making me feel bad about ranting now because my problems are just meh compared to a troll that’s been at her. But I do wish people in general get a bit more reasonable, that’s all.


Your exhausted raid leader?

One thought on “A rant/thoughts/journal/whatever

  1. Awwwww, /hugs!!!!!
    And don’t worry about comparing your problems to someone else’s. You live with you, so there’s no point in comparing a point in your life to someone else’s. (Just saying, don’t dismiss what you’re going through because of my troll. It’s 100% valid what you feel.)
    You’re not a weak leader; you’re a great raid leader. And if I have to believe you telling me the same, then you have to believe me telling you that. (I also realize, as you said, sometimes I’m the one who also messages you asking if it’s my fault. I’ll also start believing you’d tell me if it was, and until you do, it’s not my fault… as long as ditto!)

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