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Author: Skythel

How to Wipe in Lotro: Part I

How to Wipe in Lotro: Part I

(I’ve had these sitting around for quite a while so why not post them first to make mommy feel better?) No, this isn’t a guide on how to wipe on raid bosses. It’s a guide on what you can use to wipe at the public outhouse so you don’t get your fancy kin house all messy, because unfortunately at the time of this writing toilet paper does not yet exist in Middle-earth. (Good thing there’s no coronavirus there, or else…

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Just lol.

Just lol.

I have been obsessed with these amazing adds in Houses of Lamentation. Please pleaaase make this into a cosmetic pet!!!! Sorry for not colouring, I was sketching this in class because I just had to. Walking blood orbs ftw!

Huntards can aoe…

Huntards can aoe…

Hai. Been forever again. I had a combination of extra credit and family stuff going on. As a result, my holidays are basically gone now and I’ve got my semester results back and my GPA sux. 😿 But anyway, I’ve been sitting on this comic for a while and kinda forgot about it. I’m here to talk about the amazing thing called huntard aoe dps. Whenever I saw a hunter using rain of arrows in raids I would be like…

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This is why I’m going to invent a time feature on Gollum discord bot

This is why I’m going to invent a time feature on Gollum discord bot

Eveeeery time. Without fail. Me: Ok guys we’re gonna do a run at 8pm server! PM! That’s morning time for us Asians/Aussies! Everyone: x! On the day of the run, 12 hours earlier…. Unnamed people: hey bele, aren’t you recruiting for run yet? Me: …..I literally highlighted that it was going to be at PM servertime. Unnamed people: What’s servertime again?

I’m quitting lotro

I’m quitting lotro

Ha! Made you click. Seriously though, wtb fellows to do stuff with. People either have other people to run with or simply stopped playing the game. I’m bored. And lonely. And sometimes I feel like quitting the game because it makes me sad. I’ll draw you as many comics as you want. And get up at odd hours to play. And share loot. And do whatever. But why does it seem like people don’t stay?

Happy day of smooching.

Happy day of smooching.

It’s SOMEBODY’s 3 year anniversary today! (well, technically yesterday, but I’m not late, I’m just 365 days early for your next anniversary.) I’m surprised you two put up with each other for that long, you guys must be real gluttons for punishment. This is how they really started dating. Let’s have some bug cake!!